
Welcome to Schools First.

We are parents, community members and students who work together to inform and advocate for levy funding to support Seattle Public Schools.

Every three years, SPS asks the community to consider renewing levies that fund staff, technology, programs and build or repair school buildings. Our next election is February 2025.

K-12 school districts are not fully funded by the state, so districts rely on levies for operations and staffing. In addition, the state does not fund construction costs. So our students and schools rely on these critical local levies to fund building improvements, repairs and replacement schools. We need your support and your YES votes to approve this funding.

Next measure: February 2025. We anticipate that the Seattle School Board will place two replacement levies on the ballot in February 2025 — a capital levy and renewal of the Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) levy.

Planning is underway for the Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics V Capital Levy (BTA V). This six-year levy would replace the expiring Building, Technology, and Academics/Athletics IV Capital Levy (BTA IV), which was approved by Seattle voters in 2016.

The three-year EP&O would replace the expiring levy, which was approved by Seattle voters in 2019. This levy funds additional staffing positions, critical programs and services that are not fully funded by the state.

To learn more about the levies visit